About our History

About Us:

In 2007, we started our Christiya Joyti Training School in the Mid-Western part of Nepal the place called Surkhet. With our vision & mission, we started a five-month Missionary Leadership Training for planting new churches & equipping the local church leaders.

First, we were running our Training school in a rented house for almost four years after there was a missionary from Canada. He was involved in church planting ministry for almost two decades. God gave the opportunity to connect with Mr. Steve Regnal (Canadian Missionary). He had his own land & building. He gave us his building to run our Training school.

In 2015, there was a great flood in Surkhet Region. Many people lost their lives and property. At that time our Training school was also affected by the flood. We lost our school property later we ran our Training school in our Local church (Hossana church) at Gumi for two years. This place is an almost one-hour journey from Surkhet.

We were earnestly praying for our own land and Bible school building. The very amazing way God heard our prayer. He gave us land & building for our training school. From Singapore & Canadian missionaries out of their love and concern for our ministry. They have shown their kindness & support to our training school for buying the land & building the school.

Presently, we are running two courses in a year. Five-month Missionary Leadership Training & 45 days Missionary Discipleship Training. For 45 days, a course especially we trained youth. Through our training school, we could plant new churches in different places. Now, our students are very faithfully involved in church ministry. In their local churches, almost 150 believers are coming for church service.


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